Get More from Your Analytics: Applying an Ecommerce Model to Higher Ed, Part I

If you’ve looked at your Google Analytics dashboard, you may have noticed a set of ecommerce reports. If you then shrugged them off saying, “We’re in higher ed, not ecommerce,” think again. You’re missing out on a goldmine of analytics data.
Defeating the Monsters of Web Design

Maybe you remember the Monsters of Web Design? They’re the gnarly issues that menace your website, threatening to wreak havoc on your site (and your sanity). They’re back!
Open Source Solutions: WordPress vs. Drupal

When you’re considering a major redesign, choosing the right content management system can be daunting. For starters, should you go with an enterprise CMS or open source? There are great options for both, and what’s right for you will depend on your budget and your specific needs.
5 Steps to Get Your Content Redesign-Ready

If you’re getting ready for a redesign, whether it’s 200 pages or 20,000, the process of preparing your content for migration can be daunting, and it’s hard to know where to start.
For SEO and Accessibility, There’s No Alt-ernative

Are you writing alt text for your images? If not, it’s time to start. Like right now. It may seem like an interruption or an extra step, but alt text is critical for both accessibility and SEO. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult.
What Responsive Design Can Teach Us About Accessibility

“Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you’ve done it.— Restaurant at the End of the Universe”
Div Hacking: Chopping Off Corners

So you need a triangle shape in the corner of a div. Maybe it’s just a graphical flourish. Maybe you’re using it as a backdrop for an icon. I don’t know why. I’m not judging. Sometimes you just need triangles.
Layering Content

Adapting content for interactive reading on the web is about finding balance.
Building Sane, Reusable WordPress Templates with Timber and Twig

Traditional WordPress templates are written in PHP code that mixes HTML output with more advanced programming logic. The Timber plugin for Wordpress lets you move the markup part of your templates into separate files written in Twig, a simple yet powerful templating language. When you separate logic from layout in this way, your themes will be easier to read, easier to edit, and more portable.
Higher Ed Governance for the Real World, Part 2

We as practitioners must take steps to establish the web as a specialty tool that requires specialty skills, not a publishing platform free-for-all.