
Website Content Work Planning Template

illustration of someone working on content for a website

One of the most important tools for managing the creation, revision, or migration of content for a website is the content work plan. There are commercial tools available, but we most often rely on a spreadsheet with columns for plan details. To develop a content work plan we recommend these steps: Below is an example […]

Page Tables for Website Content Creation

illustration of someone working on content for a website

Page Tables help web content editors plan content–both text and media–that will work well for each page of a website. A page table breaks the page down into its components, explaining what should go into each part of a content type or layout in simple terms, with examples. They’re most helpful for repeatable content types […]

Why “Read More” is Less Effective

Sign with the text "This office will not tolerate redundancy in this office"

Rather than creating separate fields in our CMSs for titles and link text that reference the same destination content, we make the title the link. It’s easier to write, easier to scan, and better for screen readers. A win-win-win!

Infinite Scroll: A Bad Idea for Usability and Accessibility

A spiraling staircase

Though a common interaction on the web, infinite scroll causes problems for accessibility, usability, and performance. The cost to work around them is usually not worth the tradeoffs, and in the end, it can have a negative impact on the user experience.

Defeating the Monsters of Web Design

The illustrated monsters of web design rampaging through a cityscape

Maybe you remember the Monsters of Web Design? They’re the gnarly issues that menace your website, threatening to wreak havoc on your site (and your sanity). They’re back!

5 Steps to Get Your Content Redesign-Ready

A cluttered desk with piles of paper, notebooks, a laptop and coffee

If you’re getting ready for a redesign, whether it’s 200 pages or 20,000, the process of preparing your content for migration can be daunting, and it’s hard to know where to start.