What Studying the Humanities Taught Me About Software Development

A laptop with crumpled wads of paper

Back in my computer science days, I took a programming class where the professor decided to assign us a project to show us how real-world programming gets done (or ought to get done). We discussed the problem we were trying to solve in extreme detail The professor dictated the precise toolset we were supposed to […]

Defeating the Monsters of Web Design

The illustrated monsters of web design rampaging through a cityscape

Maybe you remember the Monsters of Web Design? They’re the gnarly issues that menace your website, threatening to wreak havoc on your site (and your sanity). They’re back!

Project Context Workshop

Photo from a Project Context Workshop, person writing on a poster on the wall while team member holds a laptop for reference

The Project Context Workshop is a great kickoff exercise to get the project owners and the project team to agree on goals and scope. We learned this approach from Agency Agile. A project context session helps to: What you need: You can run this as a virtual workshop with your favorite online whiteboard tool too. […]

Selling UX: Lessons From The Firing Line

A stylized illustration of a cityscape with NewCity brand colors

Ever had to fight for the budget to do real audience research? Convince someone of the value of usability testing? Explain how your research informed the design you created? We took a huge gamble in 2005 when we sold Virginia Tech on the idea of doing mental models to inform their redesign. Since that initial […]

KJ Method

People standing in front of window with sticky notes, doing a KJ session

The KJ Method — created in the 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita — helps groups quickly reach consensus on organizing and prioritizing a set of ideas or data. It’s simple, easy to do, and cost-effective. Why you should try it: A KJ session can be run in-person or online. What works best for your […]

The Monsters of Web Design

The illustrated monsters of web design rampaging through a cityscape

Wrecked budgets, redundant content, mid-project changes, and digital marketing no-nos can come together and make any web project seem scary.

What Is Good Design Feedback?

A group of people reviewing wireframes

Design feedback can be elusive and it falls on the designer to help their client learn to speak design” and get the kind of response that is actionable.”