
Why “Read More” is Less Effective

Sign with the text "This office will not tolerate redundancy in this office"

Rather than creating separate fields in our CMSs for titles and link text that reference the same destination content, we make the title the link. It’s easier to write, easier to scan, and better for screen readers. A win-win-win!

Flex Your WordPress Capabilities with ACF

Man using paper cutouts of simplified web page elements for layout

WordPress pages are easy to edit, as long as you stick to built-in features. But at NewCity, most sites we build require flexible templates without breaking carefully-planned visual design and information architecture.

Is your hypertext too hyper?

Traffic trails on a highway

If your page is full of links that people find confusing or distracting, and if the only design solution is to make those links harder to see, what you have is a content problem.

Infinite Scroll: A Bad Idea for Usability and Accessibility

A spiraling staircase

Though a common interaction on the web, infinite scroll causes problems for accessibility, usability, and performance. The cost to work around them is usually not worth the tradeoffs, and in the end, it can have a negative impact on the user experience.

What Self-Driving Cars Teach Us About Content Management

Image of a self-driving car's heads up display in motion

Though technology is reshaping our world every day, complex situations often require the human ability to strategize, connect, and communicate. Someone who can take the wheel, make decisions, and steer the site towards success. A great example? A complex website needs a managing editor.

Experience Mapping

Woman looking at public transit map on a digital sign

An experience map depicts the possible journeys each audience has or should have with your organization both on the website and through other channels. It also serves as a powerful tool to communicate our vision to other stakeholders. An experience map includes: It’s also important to understand how people enter the site and what happens […]

Get More from Your Analytics: Applying an Ecommerce Model to Higher Ed, Part III

A chalkboard filled with charts and diagrams

In Part I of this series, we discussed the problem a lot of Higher Ed analysts run into. Connecting the value of content to the value of a goal conversion is often a daunting task. Google Analytics is a great tool, but unless we take some very specific steps, we lose out on a lot of its reporting capabilities. Part II dealt with one easy solution to get more out of your analytics: Page Value. In Part III, we are going to discuss going beyond the standard implementation, into the realm of ecommerce.