Writing Content that Works Everywhere (Including Smartphones)

Pencils and a notebook on a table
Learn how writing that works on mobile devices can make your entire website more efficient and engaging (and save users from scrolling through a sea of microscopic text).

We know web content should be different from print—but what about mobile?

Many organizations face content issues that will challenge usability for mobile web. Thousands of web pages, multiple authors and contributing departments, and common industry writing styles can work together to make mobile users cringe.

Writing content for your website that also works on mobile doesn’t have to hurt. See how transforming long pages of content into tidy nuggets packed with informational gold can clean up your desktop site and make it easy for mobile users to navigate efficiently and get done what they came to do.

Here is our most recent presentation on “Writing Content That Works Everywhere” and the tools referenced in the workshop:

Download: Writing Content That Works Everywhere Presentation (12MB PDF)

Download: NewCity Content Audit Worksheet (13KB XLSX)

Download: Writing Content That Works Everywhere Handout (100KB PDF)

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